How to tidy up and organize your home like Marie Kondo. Learn everything about decluttering, organizing and the KonMari method. This technique helps you keep your home organized, clean and neat.
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Marie Kondo is a Japanese author and organizing consultant. She has written 4 books about organizing and even developed her own organizing techniques called the KonMari method. (References
She even got her own Netflix series called Tidying up with Marie Kondo, where she helps Families to unclutter and tidy up their homes.
What I really love about Marie Kondo is, she is so friendly, kind and respectful to people and objects. In here series you can see, that she has a ritual where she greets the house and thanks it for protecting the homeowner. That’s probably a part of here Japanese origin.
It’s all about only keeping things that
“spark joy”.
Marie Kondo
The KonMari method
Marie developed here own technique of organizing and tidying up homes, it’s called the “KonMari method”. It’s sorted by categories not by locations.
The KonMari method is split in 5 categories:
- 1. Clothing
- 2. Books
- 3. Paper
- 4. Komono (= kitchen, bathroom, garage, miscellaneous)
- 5. Sentimental items

The process
The process starts by gathering all things of one category (for instance your clothes) in the whole house and put it in one spot. Now you have to hold every piece in your hand and feel, if it sparks joy or if you feel nothing and can let go of this item. If you aren’t needing it anymore, you say thank you to it and toss it onto a pile to donate or throw it away.
She always starts with the closets and works her way trough kitchen items, documents and up to emotional belongings.
By collecting all items of the same category and toss them onto one big pile, helps you see, how much stuff you have got in your house. For example by going through your clothes, you may find 5 almost identical looking pants or a shirt you haven’t seen in a while and almost forgot about it. You may also find your favorite sweater you were looking for a while ago.
Working thru these categories sharpens your sense of deciding what sparks joy. That’s why it starts with the clothing and ends with the sentimental items.

The KonMari folding technique
The KonMari method includes its own folding technique. Every garment that belongs into a dresser or box gets folded into a rectangle, that’s standing up.
The clothes are getting folded in a specific way, to save space and that you’re able to see all your items at once. So you know exactly what you own.
Everything should have its own place, so you always know where the things belong after using them.
(References Tidying up with Marie Kondo – Netflix series)

Organize your home easily
Every item in your home needs its own spot, so everybody knows where it belongs. Organizing things with storage boxes makes it pretty easy to sort and tidy up. Also, the boxing system let your home look clean and neat.
You can buy all kinds of storage boxes and container at e.g . the Dollar Tree pretty cheap and you’ve got a lot of different styles to choice from. So even on a tide budget, you still can improve your home and make it more joy able for your family.
Check out these cool storage boxes. Here you find a huge selection of all kinds of storage boxes, bins and containers.
But you could also repurpose and upcycle some old shoe boxes or empty packaging, so you don’t need to buy all new boxes. Check out my blog post: 5 cheap and easy DIY storage boxes
A tidy home makes you feel good, calm and balanced. You know everything is on it’s right place and that makes it easier to keep it that way.
I hope I could give you some ideas for starting to declutter and organize your home.
And I recommend watching Marie Kondo’s Netflix series. It helps me think differently about my home and the things that are important in life. sometimes less is more.
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