7 tips for writing awesome blog posts

7 Tips for writing awesome blog posts

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How to write awesome blog posts

Writing awesome blog posts that are helpful, are essential for getting blog visitors to stay on your site and likely become customers or fans.

7 great ways for helping you write blog posts that convert:

  1. choose a topic that people are interested in
  2. write an engaging headline
  3. use matching and sharp images
  4. try to solve a visitors problem
  5. create value for the reader
  6. optimize your article and website for SEO
  7. proofread and check your text with Grammarly

1. The right topic

Choosing the right topic for your article isn’t always easy. It should be something that other people are interested in and like to read about.

For example, quick and easy tips to organize your home, would be a good topic.

2. The headline

The headline of your blog post should make your potential visitor curios for more, so they click on your pin or link.

A lot of people like headlines like: “easy or fast ways to clean …” or “5 beautiful gift ideas for Mother’s Day”, “How to …” or “The 10 best ..”.

3. The images

Images in your blog post can loosen up the article. For instance, you could show pictures of your product or materials you used, stock photos, show stats or an interesting or funny quote.

If you use a photo, it should be a high-quality photo with perfect lighting and great background.

The image that represents your blog post should be appealing, because a picture says more than a thousand words.

The #1 Writing Tool

4. Solve a problem

People are using the internet to find solutions for their problems.

For example if you write an article about “how to easily clean your oven”, you can help people who are looking for this problem.

5. Create value

Your content should be informative and useful for the reader, so they learn something they didn’t know before.

You don’t want to read an article that doesn’t tell you anything interesting or new and you feel, you just wasted your time reading it.

6. Optimize for SEO

SEO = search engine optimization.

The optimization of your website and blog post is really important so that Google knows you’re a real and a good source of information.

You want to rank high on Google, so that people easily find your content by googling.

To optimize your website, you can use apps or plugins, that show you how to optimize for SEO.

7 tips to write awesome blog posts

7. proofread and check your text with Grammarly

After you’re done writing your blog post, you should properly proofread your article or let somebody else do it for you.

To look professional you should use correct spelling and grammar in your articles.

Do you use an App or plugin to help you check your spelling and grammar? I use and love Grammarly.com, especially cause English isn’t my mother tongue. I hope you can’t tell.

Grammarly Writing Support

Grammarly is the perfect solution for helping you write perfect blog post without spelling, grammar or punctuation errors and it also gives you suggestions.

It’s the perfect language tool and the best part is, it’s totally free.

You can also use it for Windows, for Chrome with the browser extension or the Microsoft add-in. So Grammarly can check every word you write.

The App can check for more than 250 types of spelling, grammar and punctuation errors.

Your weekly writing update

Grammarly sends you an email with your weekly writing update that shows your stats.

writing awesome blog posts - grammarly weekly writing updates

It shows your productivity, mastery, vocabulary and also the words that Grammarly checked overtime.

Using Grammarly

Using Grammarly while writing your text in e.g. WordPress. The tool will automatically check every word and shows you any error by underling the word. By clicking onto the word, it gives you suggestions to fix the error. You can also click the circled red 1 on the right to get the suggestions.

writing awesome blog posts - using grammarly while writing an article

You can as well write your articles directly in the Grammarly App or upload an already written text and Grammarly checks it and saves it to your Grammarly account.

writing awesome blog posts - grammarly app

If you like to learn more about Grammarly and it’s features, click here.

I hope you liked my tips for writing awesome blog posts. If you like, you can leave me a comment and let me know what you think about my article. You can also check out my other blogging tips here.


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