3 easy kidsroom decoration ideas under $5

Would you like to brighten up and personalize your child’s room with great DIY projects?
I want to show you some great examples. All used materials are under $5 and really easy to craft.

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Sports Ball Lamp

What you will need:








Just put the sticker onto the lamp shade and done!

Instead of balls, you can also use everything your kid likes, e.g.: frozen, princess sticker, minions, cars or emojis.

colored radiator

Brighten up the radiator in your kid’s room with colored electrical tape or washi tape.

That’s a really simple and fast way to change the look of your boring radiators in your kid’s room.

What you will need:

First, wipe down the radiator, then just stick the colored tape alternately onto the radiator and done!


DIY kids garland

For these cool DIY, you can buy pretty cards or create your own.

What you will need:

For full instructions for the DIY kids girland click here.

I hope my instructions were helpful and I could give you some ideas and inspirations. I am looking forward reading your comments or receiving pictures of your own creations.

I hope to see you again soon.


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